Getting people to click on links these days to go watch a video is tougher than it used to be with spyware and malware at an all time high.
How do you get people to engage with the power of video storytelling without having to rely on trust issues related to technology? Simple. The answer is use the mailbox.
We already know the power of dimensional mail to get opened first, but what if you sent something to someone that was so interesting and cool that they actually passed it around the office?
The video mailer has a huge potential for a large ROI considering you are moving your message across departments and into hands you didn’t know had influence to purchase your product or service or donate or influence.
The simple fact, that this is a marketing trojan horse that allows you to get through the walls of email spam boxes, lost in voicemail or otherwise rejected at the doors gatekeeper.
We produce the video, we handle the production of the mailer and mailer artwork as well as the packaging and we can even handle mailing distribution for you.
So many companies have abandoned the mailbox for electronic communications only finding themselves at the mercy of bots who are trained to keep your messaging and your opportunity at bay and away from decision makers.
Flip the script and get back in front of people to share your story and a case for making a favorable desicion in your direction.
ROAD5 will provide the following to create a simple, turnkey project for our clients.
Write and Product Script ( Video Mailer can accomodate up to three videos or video + testimonials or video/testimonials/install or support video.
Hire Talent & Aquire Location ( if needed )
Film Project
Edit Project
Provide Film Clip for Mailer Production
Provide Artwork for Video Case
Provider Artwork for Mailer
Mail to your Client Base ( if needed )